Thank you, Damien Leone

I hate clowns.

They terrify me.

I don’t have a real life child trauma to attribute it to thank god but I did watch a horrific film far too young than scared and scarred me for life. I’m not going to talk about the film because I have since learned that the director is a piece of shit. And that is that,

It took me years to watch It and although I have also seen the new ones, it’s only the fact I love King’s storytelling that got me through it.

A few years ago, there were a couple of films that appeared on Netflix with similar names. Terrified which is a scary as fuck supernatural Spanish movie and Terrifier. Hubby wanted to see both. I wanted to see neither (I also hate ghosts. What kind of a horror fan am I?) but acquiesced to watch the ghost/demon stuff rather than an evil clown.

Every so often I’d hear some hype about the clown one and people bigging up a certain kill scene but I just couldn’t bring myself to watch it.

Life went on.

Welcome 2022 and suddenly that name starts appearing again, Terrifier and Art the damn clown only this time because there’s a sequel, Terrifier 2. I’m more into films from a producer/director POV now so although I still haven’t seen the original and have no desire to watch the second part, I start reading up on it and listening to interviews with the creator, Damien Leone. I like him. He’s passionate. Determined. Clearly very driven and talented. Also appears to be a really nice dude with an awesome accent who likes to play with blood.

T2 premieres at Frightfest. I attend and see a couple of films but not that. Obviously. Just the pictures of that clown – gah.

But people are raving about it. Friends attend and love it. I’m starting to wish I didn’t hate clowns but I still can’t…

I keep reading more and listening to more. Damien made Terrifier for how much? The sequel took years? They really hang a girl up by her ankles? Even I know what The Scene is despite not seeing it…yet. The best interview was with Adam and Joe on The Movie Crypt. That was the podcast that cemented my awe and respect for Damien. And I hadn’t even seen his work yet. I wanted to but I just couldn’t. Pathetic I know.

Ep 570: Francis Galluppi The Movie Crypt

PUBLIC VERSION. Filmmaker Francis Galluppi (THE LAST STOP IN YUMA COUNTY) joins Adam, Joe, and Arwen to discuss his career journey and the making of his debut feature. From playing drums in punk bands before a broken wrist found him with 6 months off and time on his hands to teach himself how to make movies through watching YouTube tutorials… to his musical approach to his filmmaking craft… to the crazy story of how his short film playing at a horror convention lead to him raising the financing for YUMA (in theaters and available on digital May 10th)… to writing the film’s script based around the locations and resources he knew he could get… to how accepting an offer to option his script almost prevented his film from ever getting made… to how he shot in a commonly used location yet made it appear unique… and how he was able to put such an incredible cast together on such a limited budget… Francis’ success story will surely inspire every aspiring filmmaker that hears it! The boys also reflect on the 11th anniversary of THE MOVIE CRYPT which premiered on May 6, 2013. Meet Adam Green, Kane Hodder, and Danielle Harris at TEXAS FRIGHTMARE in Irving, TX May 17th – 19th where they will be doing the first ever HATCHET photo-op including Kane and Danielle in costume! Adam, Kane, and Tony Todd will also be appearing at MONSTERPALOOZA in Pasadena, CA May 31st – June 2nd where creatures from the ArieScope Studio will be on display in the convention’s museum!
  1. Ep 570: Francis Galluppi
  2. Ep 569: Greg Longstreet
  3. Ep 568: Cameron and Colin Cairnes
  4. Ep 567: Michael Mohan
  5. Ep 566: Vera Drew

Then I find out Damien, along with David AKA Art himself, is attending a con I’m also going to. Hubby buys Terrifier and watches it. Immediately pre-orders T2 and watches All Hallows’ Eve too. “You HAVE to watch this,” he says. “YOU love gore. YOU love violent kills. YOU love practical FX. YOU WILL LOVE THIS.”

But I still couldn’t.

I REALLY wish I had now as I made a huge faux pas at the con…more on that in a moment.

I did meet and chat with Damien and David. I was honest, told them I hadn’t seen it because clowns are scary but I admired the fuck out of them and what they’d achieved. By this point (Oct 21-23) T2 had already blown up. I told Damien he was a huge inspiration to me. Basically I fangirled completely whenever I saw them which was a fair bit over the weekend.

But here is where I also made my faux pas which I’m mad at myself about. When you don’t watch something and you focus on the creator rather than the actors, you don’t always know who is in the movie. So I knew David was Art. But on occasion I saw them with a woman and I didn’t put 2 and 2 together. To be fair, a lot of the celebs and talent at the con had agents, managers and handlers or even partners with them and oftentimes I was chatting with someone and didn’t know if they were famous or with someone famous. Hence why it wasn’t until after the con that I realised (and again I didn’t see the panel because I was with the Dogs guys the whole time) Samantha Scaffidi AKA Vicky was with them and I now kick myself for not saying Hi and getting her to sign my Fango too.

Coming back from the con having met Damien and seeing David as David not Art, I decided to put on my big-girl pants, suck it up and watch the damn film already, quickly followed by T2 and then All Hallows’ Eve.

Finally I saw what everyone was talking about.

Finally I saw why people love the films and Art and now Sienna so much.

Finally I could add Dawn to my list of best kill scenes.

I think Sienna is wonderful but personally I really like all of the women in this franchise, especially Tara but then Jenna Kanell is an absolute powerhouse in real life, much like Lauren LaVera actually.

But the biggest thing for me, along with the fantastic characters and I 100% include Art because NOW I can laugh at him (only him though, I still hate all other fucking clowns), along with the compelling plot (especially in T2) are of course the AMAZING effects. One of the things I learnt about Damien early on from listening to interviews is of course how he does almost everything himself and how his love of SFX and meeting Tom Savini drove his passion to make Terrifier a reality. How can you not be impressed by that? How can that not inspire you and make you want to make films too?

I believe I can make films because of Damien. I might not have his skill and experience but I do have some things he has in spades – enthusiasm, determination and a work hard ethos. Of course he is now joint top of my list of the people I’d give my left arm to work with and of course he’s now being approached by Sam Raimi so…
But I won’t give up on that dream. Because he didn’t. And look what he’s achieved.

So this is a long ass, rambling, gushing love-letter of sorts to not just the Terrifier films but especially to Damien.

You have inspired so many people.

You have changed indie genre filmmaking.

You have achieved so much and I truly believe everyone is cheering you on and is happy for you.

Keep being you and keep making films.

And thank you.

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